Sunday, January 3, 2021

MacLehose Trail

Which trail should we go during weekend? 

It's the question on everyone's lips now that gyms and cinemas are closed, and it's the question no one knows the answer.

Escaping the city and getting away from the claustrophobic confines of crowded places need both brainwork and legwork. That's how we picked the destination of Tai Mo Shan this Sunday. That means a long stretch of hike to Hong Kong's tallest mountain standing at 957m.

Heading west from Tai Po, our family had walked for six hours, across the ridgetop path after Lead Mine Pass all the way to the summit. We joked about the cow dung sprinkled around the jumbled boulders, and at the same time realized the heaps of boulders on the slope suggested violent eruption once Tai Mo Shan was a volcano in the Jurassic period. All of them, prehistoric or more recent "footprint" from feral cattle, gave us a good day away from modern city.

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