Sunday, August 9, 2020


Right now, the coronavirus has reached the planet's most far-flung corners. It's everywhere.

The stars at the night sky, luckily, remain out of reach. "Why don't we have a night walk to sky gaze?" my wife suggested, and how could I resist?

I always marvel at my wife's creative ideas. And within minutes we packed our bags before twilight and headed to the highest peak in Hong Kong. Offering sweeping cityscape views at an elevation of 957 metres, Tai Mo Shan is one of those special local places where my daughter feels like she has stepped onto a foreign place ... or in this case, Laputa.

Though it's not easy to travel during the pandemic, a celestial journey skywards on such a clear day is the best trip we can reinvent.

"I am grateful, mum and dad, for bringing me to such a special place," Jasmine smiled.

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