Wednesday, August 26, 2020


Few things are more rewarding than preparing and seeing our daughter enter the secondary school.

There was so much excitement when Jasmine received her own student Chromebook laptop. The first time she opened the personal laptop, she was riveted by the idea that it has a touch screen. She is feeling like Harry Potter after receiving his first broomstick.

Oh yes, we’ve been reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. This had to be why, when my wife was tidying up the study for Jasmine, I felt guilty for creating a messy and Dursleyish cupboard corner. Yes, yes, it was all very disorganized, and much worse than a cobwebbed cupboard.

Now that school is held in a virtual platform, many of us would have been as puzzled as Harry Potter to locate the Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. I don't have an easy answer for attending school remotely on video. Whether or not people agree with socially distanced learning - and many do not - we are nonetheless having no choice but to accept the government ban on face-to-face teaching at schools. Luckily, my daughter seems to enjoy every minute (well, almost) of new school year.

Not that we're getting on Hogwarts Express with ease. Of course we aren't. Please tell me I'm not the only one who finds it somewhat challenging. Especially on the days that you find a lower bar in the Wi-Fi signal strength symbol. It has taken me three days - not until I asked for technician service - to figure out the best way to reconfigure and relocate our Google Wifi.

Yes, it does require patience, but what good solution doesn't? Just keep trying.

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