Monday, January 24, 2011


When it comes to the gene pool, there must be a chromosome that makes us read while we're walking. This is exactly what my daughter gets from me.

And, yeah, that's what I had been told: Baby walking, both in the time and the style, is as unique as personality. Sure-footedness, of course, isn't characteristic of my daughter, age 1 (which is why she is called a toddler). Being a fledgling toddler, Jasmine is eager to move around the room. That's pretty much every other new walkers does. But when it comes to her cruise control and reading mode, I can't help laughing.

"Oh, no, be careful," I told Jasmine when I saw her pick up a book or an instructional manual to "read" whilst she was making her way across the living room. Mind you, I didn't stop her from doing her style of walking-cum-reading trip. After all, her father does similar feat all the time.

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