Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Superhero is the word that inevitably gets bandied around when it comes to describing comics, and let's face it, that is mostly boy stuff. Compared to that play-in-muddy-puddle Peppa Pig, the characters are way more macho and brutal.

I haven't paid attention to DC Comics before. I discovered much more about Aquaman, Joker and Wonder Woman when I visited the Powerhouse Museum this week.

That's an exhibition from a New York-based artist Nathan Sawaya who had created loads of real-size superhero characters simply out of LEGO bricks. A pure story of elegant creation.

My daughter isn't a big fan of those heroes. Even so, she literally walked me through the exhibition, introducing me the character one by one.

"I'm surprised," I told Jasmine. "I didn't know you'd known so much. I have never heard about Green Lantern."

She must have learned them from her classmates, and becomes more knowledgeable than her dad. It's as if she took me out to a school field trip.

Who says that Batman or Superman is the province of boys only? Gender inequality is soooo last millennium.

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