Friday, October 24, 2014


For most parents, the choice of travel destination matters a lot.

It is not really that important. The real question is find the right playmates.

My daughter is one of the fortunate girls who has good friend's family whose company we enjoy. We traveled to Taiwan this week, and went with the family of Jasmine's best friend met in kindergarten. That's the best part of our trip.

Affectionately called the twins, the two girls look alike, smile alike, play alike, and talk alike. Almost the same as the Latina girl Dora and her companion Boots. When we announced that we're traveling together, my daughter's "wow" showed me that it's much more important to load the "luggage" with the close friend than packing anything else.

A huge difference.

And a guarantee to do away with the spell of "Are we there yet?"

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