Friday, December 30, 2011


Close your eyes. Picture a bumble bee foraging inside a room.

That happened with my daughter visiting the indoor play centre within a stone's throw from my home. We had bought the ticket for that place with an iconic logo of bumble bee some months ago, and yet didn't bring her there until the admission ticket was going to expire. I suspect that my procrastination may have been a hunch that my daughter won't be too excited to be an indoor bee.

After the indoor game, my wife decided to bring little Jasmine headlong to the beach. "Excuuuuuuse me?" I can hear the query already. "Do you really mean going to the beach in the winter?"

"Why not?" My wife's voice was calm as a summer pond.

My two-year-old did feel stuck indoors and, after taking few snacks, metamorphosed from a bored bee into a caterpillar. Yes, she did. She could not stop laughing whilst having pretend play with mum, who also crawled on the sand like a caterpillar. Yeah, yeah. Within a minutes, the two caterpillars turned into two butterflies running around on the beach.

Pure joy.

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