Saturday, August 17, 2019


You'll be forgiven if you've never heard of Téa Obreht. Her knack for writing began to be recognized in 2011 with her debut novel, The Tiger's Wife.

I had stumbled upon this book with Balkan history before my Croatian trip. I didn't have time to read it until my return from Croatia. My elder brother, who came back from the States to visit our family, couldn't hide his sly facial expression when he happened to see the novel's title.

"No, no, no," I lost no time in making myself clear before my wife became leery of me. "Now, listen. This has nothing to do with a tiger wife. It's about a tiger's wife, not a tiger wife."

No sooner had I finished Téa Obreht's tiger fable, than I heard about her most recent novel Inland from The New York Times Book Review this afternoon. That's her second novel after an eight-year wait.

Wait. My elder brother also came after an eight-year wait; his family last visited us in 2011. Well, if this has anything to do with clairvoyance, the chance is that my elder brother shall be back when the third novel of Téa Obreht is out.

Let's pray for more books to come from Téa Obreht.

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