Monday, January 5, 2015


I worked overnight in hospital this New Year's Eve, and didn't have time to make any resolution.

That's supposed to be the ideal time of setting goals. After 365 days, it's time to take stock of any gain (in terms of waist circumference) and loss (think the time with Facebook). Let me be honest. I am not used to make new year's resolution. I don't think there is science with this tradition.

Except now I do: I read about new research telling us to make plan and avoid keeping a backup plan (translation: lame excuse), to chop up a massive goal into parts (translation: to let yourself feel good with each small step).

Near the end of last year, I purchased an app that allows me to create to-do-lists in my smartphone. The reason? A key factor is its design for users to put a tick next to a completed item, followed by hitting a gratifying button "to delete all completed tasks."

The same way infants celebrate potty training by the sound of toilet flush, ticking off an item from my to-do tasks makes me feel good.

Yes. And it's called instant gratification.

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