Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I received a phone call from my daughter's kindergarten yesterday morning. That's her school picnic day. If you're worried that the call was to announce the cancellation of picnic, don't worry - the weather was perfect. The call was all about my daughter's lunch box.

"Hi Jasmine's daddy. Auntie Elsa didn't give Jasmine back the lunch box yesterday when the school bus came. The lunch box is with us, and Miss Rebecca will bring you the lunch box today. Remember to ask Rebecca in case she forgets; Jasmine will need the box to bring her lunch tomorrow."

I didn't say much, except the two big words "Thank you." It's beautiful to have such a sunny day and a fabulous school team.

We received the lunch box, and then told Jasmine the story.

"Well, not really," my daughter answered in a soft tone. "Auntie Elsa didn't forget. It's me. I forgot to take the lunch box."

I didn't know what to say, except two words "Good girl."

Confession time. I had not the foggiest idea where her laudable honesty comes from.

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