Friday, September 13, 2013


My annual leave keeps accumulating. So it came as little surprise that almost two months after my daughter's new school year, I haven't had chance to pick her up after school. A year ago, she wasn't ready to attend school on her own and I've lost count of the number of times she cried at the kindergarten's door. But that was then. Now that Jasmine, more than three years old, is carrying the backpack and lunch box all by herself.

I took half day off yesterday to pick up my little girl, and that means she didn't have to jump on the school bus immediately after class.

It's easy to spend an hour weaving through the kindergarten campus, and around each corner of the playground you're rewarded - with laughter or smile of the kids. Is there any happier sound in the world than your child's giggling with her navigation of a rope course? Or the silly guffaw after a quick slide, landing with the butt? 

Soon after my half day leave, I knew I'm going to take another one soon to join my daughter after school.

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