Tuesday, November 20, 2012


If you find that you start a busy day that you lose your energy before the fag end of the day, that you don't ever bother remembering it, that you feel lost along the way, it may be that there is nothing at the end to cheer you up.

That end-of-the-day event probably feels like desserts, like ice-cream that we buy ourselves after hard work. You don't need a seven-course dessert. It may simply be a flickering moment of good bite at a candy. And then, you get your sense of humor back.

It was a busy Tuesday packed with activity and clinic sessions today. I was tired, but I kept awake long enough to finish the clinic and sign all the letters. Then I wrote to invite reviewers for a newly submitted journal manuscript. The rest - student assignments - I was forced to leave unchecked till tomorrow.

On my journey back home, I found that I had lost my voice. Still, one thing put me in the spirit to laugh. I went to the public library and borrowed Alison Jay's storybook The Nutcracker for my dear daughter. That is a great read for her after our recent watching of The Nutcracker ice skating performance. Jasmine was truly enchanted by the new book. Sitting on her mum's lap, Jamsine listened to the story, drew in her breath, as amazed as the story character Clara in the Sugar Plum Fairy. Before long, I forgot the day's hustle and bustle.

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