Thursday, June 5, 2008


I was struck by how often the book Saturday by Ian McEwan led to revelations. Pearls are found throughout the story of a day in the life of Henry Perowne, a neurosurgeon and his minute-to-minute thoughts in reaction to those events.

One startling story is about the neurosurgeon's thought whilst flushing the loo, when he remembered a magazine lying around in the operating suite coffee room. At least one molecule of his own urine will at some time fall on him one day as rain, according to an article in that magazine. The numbers say so, by statistical probabilities, I presume. This reminded Henry Perowne the famous nostalgic lyrics "We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when."

So, my hat's off, not to greet my own molecule of raindrops, but to the life lesson taught by this story. The lesson for the rest of us is pretty obvious. Think again, if it is really the case that someday somewhere we will meet again the one we appreciate as well as the ones whom we don't like, we might be able to treat everyone of them in an equal manner, and with love.

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