Thursday, September 14, 2023


For most peole, a shitty situation is a shitty situation, but when your mindset is what affects how you feel about it, what you do about it and, in some cases, the outcome.

To feel more in control of our destiny, we can change the way we look at things, and then the things we look at change.

According to Deborah James, this is the best way to handle the shit. She was diagnosed to have bowel cancer at the age of 35. Not usual cancer. A nasty one with notorious BRAF mutation, driving very rapid cancer cell growth and giving rise to a resistance to standard chemotherapy. Relentless. Cannibalistic. Rampaging.

Even if her destiny seems bleak, she reframes it and sees the positives. In her book How to Live When You Could be Dead, she never uses the word "terminal" in relation to her cancer - she consciously refers to hers being an "incurable cancer."

The way she finds her hope and reframes her thinking would help all of us to become a happier optimist who sees the rose and not its thorns. 

Setbacks are part of any journey, as I come to realise from Deborah's, but not the destination.

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