Sunday, February 7, 2021


In the days after the pandemic has ground air travel to a halt, I became obsessed with the flight of other species, which include the resident birds as well as passage migrants. 

The Mai Po Nature Reserve, a Ramsar site of International Importance as a stop-off point for migrating water birds on the transit flight between New Zealand and Siberia, held me spellbound every time I visited the wetland. Instantly. Joy, breathtaking, gratitude; an avalanche of emotions from the riveting encounters between urban humans and wild animals. 

Today, I went there with my family and friends after buying a telephoto zoom lens. The pastime of birdwatching increasingly fascinates me, and more so with a new gadget. That was when I recognised the telescopic sights of birds can have a magic pull. On my way home, I had a stopover at my university campus and spotted few more species. So perfectly did this detour give me chance to see a strikingly colourful kingfisher, it had the force of absolute addiction. 

Start a wildlife photography journey and you could lose yourself for days.

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