Thursday, October 22, 2020


Like it or not, international medical conference is now going virtual everywhere.

That includes the American Society of Nephrology meeting. If you had asked me one year ago how I felt about visiting the United States again (almost a decade since I last attended the conference), I would have had an answer ready: I look forward to that.

Overseas conference is like an airplane mode, allowing us to unplug for few days without access to hospital pager, devoid of many other distractions. We spent three to four days in a conference venue, exploring one lecture hall after another, meeting people, getting the most out of a tight conference schedule.

Virtual conference is different, I know. You don't need me to tell you that. A positive note to this new format, it must be said, is getting rid of the travel time, hotel accommodation, jet lag, not to mention those morass of guilt in leaving family behind.

I don't know how to work out live streams of the lectures, but I do know one interesting fact that my conference falls on my daughter's term break. With a lag of twelve hours between ours and Eastern Daylight Time zone, it would be a perfect split between family time and study time.

Let me try.

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