Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Kids, by nature, resemble their parents.

"See, she gets my nose."

"But hey, her eyes look more like mine."

So yes, we parents are somewhat keen to see the similarities with the offspring. And I bet every dad and mum are just going to compete for their babies to look more like them. I sure do.

And yet it also dawned on me that we should not pray for a child being an exact clone of ourselves. Too much and I'd worry about her inheriting bad trait from me, too little and I'd feel distant.

I suppose the magic behind the game of fatherhood is watching his daughter grow up - a new character but with occasional dash of father's style. Even if we're not two peas in a pod, every so often we find ourselves sharing the same blood. We came close to bursting into laughter, say, when we recently realized that the favorite typeface for both of us is Century Gothic font.

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