Saturday, October 7, 2017


We were once travelling to Malaysia with our thirteen-something-month daughter when the end of our trip brought her tears. That's grief reaction. Think about when you last spent a week's vacation aboard and what you would feel at the end of that pleasant week.

I do not know of anyone (child or grown-up) who does not long for a longer journey near the end. I do not know of any human creature who does not dream of never-ending itinerary without the need to go back to school or work.

The reality is we never seem to get all the hours of break we need or we wish.

This is why we teach our daughter to live in the present. “Remember to enjoy every minute on the road,” I told Jasmine when she asked about the time we will fly back during our recent Taiwan trip. “Dance the way Cinderella does without worrying about your glass slipper. Glass slippers will take care of themselves.”

Which is the entire point of travel.

Or should be.

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