Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Marie Kondo's debut guide book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up has been published in more than 30 countries, teaching us to be happier by letting go of the stuff we don't need. Recently, I've been reading her second one, Spark Joy, and learning to tidy up in a way that will spark joy.

Technically, we aren't told to discover joy simply by discarding things. One line in particular from the secrets cracked me wide open. She said, “If it makes you happy, then the right choice is to keep it confidently." I learn this richest of lessons from Kondo, and for that, I am grateful.

For many years, I've kept a closet chockfull of my patients' faces in my heart. Even though I may not be able to recall their names and details, I try my best to remember their faces.

"Good afternoon, I guess this is the first time I see you" is my standard hello to greet a patient who has been seen by many doctors but new to me. Sometimes I make mistakes. Most of the time, I'm right. That sparks joy. In a sense, though, it is more of pride (of my memory) than joy. What really matters is not mistaking a patient as a complete stranger by the time he returns to see me ten years later. I met one yesterday. Can you guess what? We still recognised each other after a lapse of ten years. The way he told me I haven't grown (too) old is one of the best birthday gifts for me today.

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