Friday, August 19, 2016


Tidying up my higgledy-piggledy desk has given me the athlete's satisfaction of breaking a world record at the Olympic games. Now, if you ask me, what has been going on in my mind is that I secretly wish to receive a pat on the back from my wife.

Which I'll admit can be as natural as a firefighter who expects appreciation after cleaning the tons of wreckage at the World Trade Center (and yes, my desk wasn't that much better).

I'm not alone in nagging the spouse to give me more praise. Ditto for Gretchen Rubin. I'm glad to have read her chapter on giving up gold stars. Upon reflection, Gretchen admits that it would be nice to dole out gold stars although we should not do work for the sake of earning gold stars.

And I wouldn't say my affectionate wife doesn't appreciate my effort if there isn't a gold medal around my neck. Plus, she was too busy. My wife had left for work before my daughter woke up this morning. While we were getting ready for school, I showed Jasmine my clean desk. Without a word my daughter went straight to clean her own desk. Oh well, I couldn't believe it. Who'd have thought that decluttering could bring such joy, such reward? Part of me understood the importance of daddy's setting good example. And part of me wanted to hand a gold star to Gretchen Rubin.

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