Friday, July 11, 2014


Many people have a preferred way to motivate themselves, to arouse enthusiasm and uncover what they want in their life and work. Some of us buy ourselves good coffee before work, and others go for Häagen-Dazs ice-cream after a big project.

Yesterday morning, as the sun was breaking open the clouds, I took my camera and crafted a picture before going to work.

Not a groundbreaking picture, but good enough to build my energy for the long hours of hospital work.

I worked till the sun set behind the hills next day. I didn't sleep too much in the hospital last night. Even so, I'd kept my sense of humour, stayed clear about my mind, and then took another nice picture of the dusk after work tonight.

Okay. Why am I still awake after these long hours of work? To me, the most important thing is to avoid the pitfall of poached frog. When we drop a frog into boiling water, it will instinctively jump out. And if you place a frog in a pot of cool water and increase the temperature slowly, the frog can't - and, in fact, is not supposed to - notice. All this boiling goes on little by little, most of the time without the frog even being aware that it's sitting in hotter and hotter water, until it got burned and burnout.

The moral of the boiling frog seems all too clear: Look out for the slowly boiling water that indicates we've lost touch with our real self and lost the fun at work.

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