Saturday, August 25, 2012


I have been looking forward to the first day of bringing my kid to the kindergarten.

Well, really - how could you not?

I decided to take a half day off. The sun was bright, the traffic heavy. My daughter, still every inch of her a toddler, was excited and brought with her the picture book "Let's Go to School." We heard the sparrows chirping as we ran up the hill to the bungalow campus. It was the natural and lively outdoor environment I like most about the school.

Surrounded by uneven paths on the slope, riddled with holes (and some mosquitoes, too), the school looks as if it has been designed to teach and prepare for Tarzan. A good news for Tarzan, after the recent typhoon storm, is the school and most trees were not blown down. A bad news is that the tyre swing at the campus was damaged beyond repair.

No surprise we miss the tyre swing badly.

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