Saturday, March 31, 2012


Heard about René Redzepi? Not many do - even though, as the top chef running a restaurant voted the best in the world.

Redzepi hates artificial products. The Danish chef has never indulged in technological wizardry of molecular gastronomy; his restaurant served only foods produced within his region. To go with his philosophy of serving clients to taste the soil, Redzepi digs deeper into his immediate surroundings and comes up with dishes like a flowerpot stuffed with carrots and radishes.

To which a natural response might be "Ingenious" or "Genius." After reading the Time magazine profile article about this genius chef, the highlight of my weekend happened to be a literal experience of tasting the soil. It's an outdoor funfair without machines but replete with games made out of natural resources. My daughter was invited to play with hay, paint on leaves, and have fun with toys like pine cones or twigs. The more time we spent with the games, the more I started to wonder if the Toy"R"Us should be closed down. If Redzepi's restaurant is the Michelin-starred place to taste the soil, this funfair becomes the best one to feel the buzz of the nature.

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