Thursday, January 26, 2012


How many people would be surprised to hear that Eastman Kodak filed for bankruptcy after struggling to adapt to an increasing digital world? I'd bet it isn't a lot. Since the digital photography technology has improved in leaps and bounds, I never dream about buying the traditional films (who does?).

It's obvious now that we are getting used to digital camera. And for good reason. We are accustomed to the beauty of digital photography. Take film speeds; once fixed for each roll of camera film, sensitivity of the digital imaging system can now be changed with just a click on the button. Or the secret trick to load the 36-exposure film cleverly to give 37 exposures in the not-so-distant past; now, we can press the shutter as often as we like.

We started seeing the new experience of taking digital photos, but I wonder how on earth one could ever imagine the change before digital camera was invented. At a time when digital photography may seem straightforward, I've come to the conclusion that it's always clearer to look back at the rear-view mirror than look ahead of the windshield.

1 comment:

Anna Lin said...

in answer to your question - I still buy traditional film! Am worried about stock running out, I don't know if they are going to continue to supply it..

and for me, the allure of film is much greater than digital now.. there's something special about film that digital photos can't recreate..