Monday, July 11, 2011


Now that my nineteen-month-old knows more words and goes through her growth spurt in the sense of humor, Jasmine often gives us a riotous chorus of impromptu laughter.

My wife pretended to prepare meal for Jasmine. "My baby, do you want eggplant? Let me cut it into pieces." Jasmine shook her head and said no.

"I bet you want to wash you hands and try this yummy fish, right?"

She said no again.

"Fine, let's then pick tomato."

Jasmine agreed with this jolly good idea, and leaned forward intently to wait for her mum to prepare the plastic toy tomato.

Of course, my wife was proud with her pretend play when she handed Jasmine "prepared tomato."

"Too hot," answered Jasmine, with a fit of giggles.

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