Saturday, December 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Jasmine

On the same afternoon in 2009, I was reading What to Expect the First Year, eager to set the stage for Jasmine's arrival. One year later, I brought Jasmine to her first preschool playing class today, carrying with me the special TimeFrames issue. That's an issue devoted to looking back at the stories of the past decade (and what it might presage about the future).

After taking a quick look at the Time magazine's content, I began to realize that quite a lot of changes have occurred since the start of the millennium. Understandable? Definitely, when I consider how many things have changed within just one year of Jasmine's birth. Never before have so many delightful moments of parenting been known to me. And never before have I witnessed so many new skills acquired by a human being within a matter of twelve months.

A year brimming with big surprises, I must say. Though it seems like just yesterday (okay, maybe the day before yesterday) when Jasmine mastered the skill of rolling over, my daughter has run around our living room umpteen times before I finished the first paragraph of this blog.

I can admit it freely now. I didn't think too much about having a baby. I couldn't have been more wrong.

1 comment:

CC Szeto said...

Happy birthday, Jasmine!