Think about the last time you watched an action thriller drama about someone being taken hostage, scissors on her throat, close to being stabbed to death. You probably agree that a psychologist is better than tear gas under such circumstances.
To call the psychologist's job difficult at this turn of harrowing event is a serious understatement. Removing the threat of a violent guy is as ghastly as a dental check for crocodiles. If I told you George is a psychologist asked to take up this job when he had just come out of graduate school, would that pique your interest? Perhaps you'd be interested to know how he handled such high-stakes situation. That's the anecdote I read in the first chapter of Care to Dare by George Kohlrieser.
Read the book and you'll see how George's boss unleashed his potential through secure base leadership. In short, it's a fine balance between caring and daring. Too much caring and there will be overprotection; too much daring will then lose sight of building trust. In fact, I was preparing for the appraisal by my hospital chief yesterday when I read about those who have been "taken hostage" by a boss to achieve results in the form of numbers, targets or key performance indicators. For that matter, I am to this day in gratitude to having a leader who cares to dare (me).
Read the book and you'll see how George's boss unleashed his potential through secure base leadership. In short, it's a fine balance between caring and daring. Too much caring and there will be overprotection; too much daring will then lose sight of building trust. In fact, I was preparing for the appraisal by my hospital chief yesterday when I read about those who have been "taken hostage" by a boss to achieve results in the form of numbers, targets or key performance indicators. For that matter, I am to this day in gratitude to having a leader who cares to dare (me).